Thursday, June 24, 2010

Two Sweet Little Boys

This family is just the sweetest! These brothers are only 14 months a part and are best friends. It was an honor to photograph them. I have enjoyed watching them grow from babies to little boys. Here is a peek at some of my favorites.

Karen and Ryan Wed

Karen and Ryan are such a fun couple! They met in the army and began dating in Iraq. They have such a neat relationship and it is obvious how much they love each other. It was so much fun being a part of their special day. I loved their pictures and had a hard time narrowing down the selection for the blog. So here is quite a big selection of my some of my favorites! Best wishes Karen and Ryan!

Amanda and Brad Wed

This was a beautiful yet simple wedding. The bride and groom were married in a white gazebo adorned in fresh magnolia garlands overlooking a lovely pond. Here are just a couple of my favorites. Best wishes Amanda and Brad!

Atlas Orthogonal Corporate Head Shots

I had the privilege of photographing the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic team as my first experience with corporate head shots. Here are just a few shots of the doctors. By the way, if you need a chiropractor, this team is the best! I was a team member for 3 years and my family and I continue to be patients. The techniques used are gentle, specific, use very low force, and are very effective. They have patients that come from hours and states away for care. That's certainly a testimony to their excellence.

Maternity Session

Meet this sweet mommy and little girl! This mommy is a great friend of mine who had me take a few shots of her as a gift to her hubby. What a joy it is watching their new baby grow! Now they have two adorable little girls!

Baby Boy Turns One!

These little boys are so adorable! I had the honor of photographing this 1 year old when he was still in Mommie's tummy as well as when he was a newborn. It's hard to believe that this little one is already toddling around. This photo session was especially fun because we let this little guy dig into his first birthday cake. He was shaking a bit from the sugar high by the end of the session. Maybe we should have stopped him sooner?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Chip and Liz Wed